Conveyor belts
Conveyor Belts
A wide range for the handling of specific items
Osca Automazioni offers a wide range of conveyor belts that vary based on the transport speed, length, width, and type of material to be transported: they can be simple or more complex, equipped with side rails for containment or accumulation. In addition, conveyor belt systems for lane accumulation operation, overhead serving, step serving, and dynamic accumulation are also available. If necessary, we are able to make special productions outside of the standard dimensions.

With Head Motors
Conveyor belts with head motors are a simple, modular and versatile solution, ideal to be integrated into any automation system. These belts can be driven by standard motors or brushless motors, which provide a precise position of the moving piece on the belt.

With central drive
Center drive conveyor belts are an ideal solution for material handling when side spaces are limited. These belts offer accessibility to both ends of the belt since the motor is positioned in the middle of the belt itself.

For Accumulation
Accumulation belts are devices that allow creating a reserve of pieces for automatic production. When used with an assembly machine or a robotic island, they can make these systems autonomous for a certain period of time. Accumulation belts are very versatile and can feed components of different shapes, applying specific selections or orientations.

In Carpentry
Carpentry transport belts are used to move materials to elevated positions and feed machines that are in these positions. These belts are very robust and composed of reinforced fabrics, to support the transport of materials of different sizes and weight, from lighter metal parts to more consistent-sized parts. These transport belts are used in combination with service elevators that carry the material up and unload it on the transport belt.

Chain conveyor belts are an ideal option for applications that require high precision in the belt position. The shape of the pallets can be customized based on the type of component that needs to be transported. This particular type of conveyor belt is very quiet and has a high level of robustness.

Multiple conveyor belts have a similar function to accumulation belts, as they serve to load components fed by vibration feeders. These belts are very fast, powered by brushless motors and the presence of probes allows to control the suspension and start of the belts.